I've been collecting patterns and yarn all summer and have finally cast on the first official Christmas project. I love spending hours thinking about my loved ones as I work on their gifts. The problem with handmade Christmas presents comes when you write a blog and most of the people on your list read said blog. I'm starting presents in September so if I don't blog about Christmas presents in progress I won't write again until January. Not a very good option. I could leave cryptic photos and refuse to show any details, but I think three months of that will get boring. (I may hold off on finished photos until after Christmas, but works in progress photos will be like normal.) I have decided not to share who's getting what, and if the recipients figure it out they'll just have to live with not being surprised come Christmas.
First up is my Kingpin socks.
Last week my husband and I went to the other side of the state for a wedding. The thought of counting out heel and garter stitches while moving was making my stomach queasy so I cast on the second leg before we headed home. My brilliant plan of starting the sock at a color change to create two matching socks failed when the second skein started significantly lower in the pattern than the first. My husband knows these socks are heading towards his stocking and has assured me he likes it as is so I'm trying to like it too. (My plan of not revealing who gets what gift really isn't off to a good start, is it?)

Our vacation worked out that we had four days off when we got home. It was so nice to have time to run errands, clean, and relax. I made a major dent in the first big Christmas project. I've got 17" of the back done already. I have to admit this one makes me the most nervous. Some of the list is there if time allows so finishing this sweater quickly is vital to making everything that I want.
Sorry for the bad picture. It's really hard to photograph a big brown blob:-)
My husband has tried knitting a couple of times and has never quite gotten it. During our time at home he was bored and kept watching me knitting happily away. I gave him one of my books with knitting instructions and he pulled out his needles and yarn. After things clicked I realized why I've been unable to teach him knitting. He knits completely different from me! He kept worrying about the fact that he knits with the English method rather than the Continental that I use. I've read that lots of throwers get to be as fast as pickers once they've had practice so I don't think this should matter. He's already got plans for casting on his next washcloth and is contemplating some Christmas presents that he can make.