Sunday, May 5, 2013

Leaf Block

I've been a member of the Sioux Prairie Quilt Guild for the past two years. I have learned so much from these amazing ladies. Every year we honor our president with a signature quilt. This year's president loves autumn colors and requested we all make leaf blocks. I'm not a huge fan of autumn colors so I can't see doing a whole quilt out of this block for my home, but I really had fun making this block. I can't wait to see the finished quilt.

I don't sew with a lot of autumn colors, but luckily I had a bit of red left over from my Hobbit quilt. This block is very scrap friendly. I had parts of two fat quarters and hardly used any of the fabric.

From light fabric cut one 3.5" square and six 4" half square triangles.
From dark fabric cut three 3.5" squares, four 4" half square triangles, and one 1"x6" rectangle.

Sew together four of the half square triangles. 
Sew remaining two light triangles to the skinny rectangle to create stem piece.

Square up triangles and stem pieces to 3.5".

Sew triangles and squares together in order shown below and square up block to 9.5".

I don't have a picture of the final step, but I signed my name in the light colored square at the top of the block. I love the idea of a signature quilt to commemorate important life events.


  1. Lovely fun block, thanks for sharing, I might have to give this a go!!

  2. I've always like those maple leaf blocks! Yours is very nice!
