Wednesday, March 27, 2013

One down one to go

I've been focusing on getting quilts done so my knitting has been suffering. I probably should have finished this sleeve a week ago, but progress is still progress. I'm not sure why, but I absolutely hate making sleeves. It was a struggle to force myself to cast on the second sleeve instead of turn to something new. What stopped me is the "new" thing is returning to the purple sweater and doing...the sleeves. Anyway, the second sleeve of the green sweater is on the needles, but since there's only two rows done I'll just share the finished sleeve.

I'm linking up to Ginny's Yarn Along where she asks whats on our needles and what we're reading. I have a long drive to work so I fill that time listening to books on tape. Currently I'm listening to Plain Paradise by Beth Wiseman. It's about a young woman, Lilian, who's mother was Amish, but left for the English world. Lilian and her mother don't have an easy time in the outside world. When Lilian is 27 she escapes a bad relationship and goes to live with her Amish grandparents. She finds the peace she has been missing in the Amish world and the relationship she learns to have with God. 

Linking up here:

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